The Path of the Heart
When I write these posts, I don’t ever really plan them out. I’ve tried to structure it from time to time, thinking it might help me to get more writing done, but it’s just not how I work and I actually tend to get more of a writer’s block when going about it this way. Instead it’s usually more so something that will stand out to me, or maybe a feeling on something I should speak on, or a personal story or experience that I feel called to share. It’s not until I actually start writing that whatever the subject will be is really formed. And I kinda like that, the randomness, the leaving it up to wherever my mind goes, and whatever my hands begin to type.
With that said, today I am feeling called to write on what I will call The Path of the Heart; holding the space of faith, love, and of all the possibilities and unknowns, and embracing the fears and feelings of unease when walking this path, and in choosing to still be there, present, and within your truth. The path of Destiny.
What does Destiny mean to you? What thoughts, feelings, moments does it bring to mind? Does the idea of Destiny give you peace, or maybe it brings up feelings such as fear, anger, skepticism? Maybe you feel empowered by this idea. There’s no wrong way to feel, but being aware of how you feel within the connection to yourself and within the universe and all you connect and interact with, is extremely powerful and helpful in understanding how you perceive and also go through your life.
I’ve always been fascinated within the stories of mythologies, cosmologies, of what our ancestors and ancient humans thought of the world, and the amazing ways in which they created meaning through language, symbolism, stories, and within nature. The ways in which the stars and the sky above us somehow so intricately played massive roles down here on Earth, at times perfectly aligning to megalithic structures, or to the changing seasons. It’s these things which make me feel that life is so much bigger than what any of us can really fathom, and that perhaps our ancient selves were far more connected, in tune, and aware of their purpose here than we are at times now.
My personal belief around the idea of Destiny is this; it exists, however there are multiple destinies, as there are timelines. We are given free will to choose our Destiny, but as we go through our lives there will always be Fated events.
Fated events are the moments that we don’t have control over. They are experiences we are meant to live. These moments can be considered markers on our personal timelines, and that depending on the choices we make after such events, we can go forward into different paths of Destiny. I guess a good way to imagine this is a river which branches off into multiple different streams; it’s all coming from the same source or experience, but depending on the path you take, it will lead you to a very different place.
Is there an ultimate Destiny? Is there one path which is to be believed to be THE path? I think so. And this path, is what I call, The Path of the Heart. It is the truest essence of who you are and who you are meant to be. It is taking all the branches of the river and diverging them into one, it is the strongest, clearest, and highest path you can take, yet also the hardest and perhaps the most painful.
Imagine a river, raging after a powerful rain storm, the elevation in water rising, increasing it’s flow into a powerful and destructive force that cares not for the limits of the earth around it, or the structures in place. It knows only one thing; it is an unstoppable force when it reaches such limits. Imagine this within yourself now, the culmination of your own life force energy, of your own experiences, choices, and efforts, turning into a powerful stream of energy. Imagine the sort of pain, even rage that could encompass you on this path when you are being held within the structural limitations of society and our world, or maybe even the limitations within your mind.
If we don’t find a clear path, if we don’t find a way to channel our energies effectively, then it becomes split; maybe we decide to take this energy and go an alternate route, a less imposing route, and letting ourselves branch into different directions. But what if instead we faced that pain? We faced the fear, the anger, the hurt, the reality of our own powers and choices, and stood our ground? We became the raging river, destroying all that is false and limiting around us? Destroying the structures and limits we impose on ourselves or the ones which have been programmed within us.
I think there’s an easy misconception by many when we think of the heart, or of love. In fact, it’s even reinforced and sort of programmed into us, that love can be a sort of weakness or blindness. That the heart is fragile, easily broken or damaged. I find this funny to think about now because it couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, I would switch the heart with the mind in this instance, because it is actually more so our minds which can become broken or damaged when we experience painful or traumatic moments, and it is most certainly our mind which may cause us to have moments of blindness and impaired thinking and perceiving.
This is because what we are actually battling against is our own egos, biases, and perceptions which at times we will strongly cling to. None of us are exempt from this, it is a part of human nature. What’s amazing though is that we always tend to blame our hearts. We love the wrong person and get hurt badly, the sting to our hearts and pain causes us to think that it is love that hurt us, that it is our hearts that our weak, however, when these moments are happening, it’s important to realize that simultaneously our brains are actually contriving an entire story as to what happened/why we are in pain as well as sending out the message to our bodies that we are in pain, and this is why.
It’s in a sense a sort of protection of our self, our egos, and it is all done so quickly and unconsciously that there isn’t an awareness, we accept the narrative our minds helped to write, we feel the pain and know that we have been hurt and wronged, and that the pain we feel proves the heart is weak, that there is weakness in love, within feeling, within going deeper into it. And yet the entire time our brains are working like crazy to protect our fragile egos and minds, sort of diverting the attention away from itself; “hey! look at that weak ass heart! Can’t handle rejection, haha!” The whole time it was the ideas and projections formed within our minds and egos that actually can’t handle it.
I will strongly stand by the belief that our heart is actually the strongest muscle and part of us. Even biologically, the heart is an amazing organ; not only does it give us life and flow the blood through our veins, but it is an electrical and energetic portal. The energies which are heart gives out are magnetic and actually creates a current of energy around us, some may say it’s our aura. This energy can connect with the energies around us, whether its other people, animals, nature, etc… our energies connect and when these energies are in alignment, it becomes stronger and more amplified.
I consider the heart a portal because the more in tune and in touch we are with our hearts, within the energy and frequencies of it, the higher we shift as a whole vibrationally and the greater the pull of the magnetic nature of our hearts. And the stronger we build these forces within ourselves, the stronger and clearer will our hearts become; in a sense becoming a compass to our highest Destiny.
There’s obviously endless amounts of belief systems out there, endless theories and postulations on human existence, our place in the Universe, on whether God exists, on whether everything is meaningless and we’re just here until some heat death of the Universe… and maybe there’s no way to ever definitively know (I don’t personally believe that), but what I do know and trust, is my own experiences through life and myself. I trust the inner guidance and calling that has always been there; the calling of the Heart.
I know through personal experience, that my heart has never led me astray, and even when it seems like I am far off my path, when it seems that things just don’t seem right and my mind can’t make any sense of it, I feel into my heart, and I know that I am where I am meant to be. I have made many choices in my life that others have thought I was crazy or foolish for, which from their perspective I can totally understand. But, when following your heart, you can certainly expect to look foolish. I won’t deny there’s been times where I’ve followed my heart and eventually questioned it, wondering, was this a mistake? Moments of doubt or fear. But every time I have followed my heart, even if it took many painful experiences within that choice, I have realized at the end of it, that there was a very specific and deep reason for why I had to do it. For why I had to walk that path, make that choice.
The Path of the Heart is very much about falling fully into the faith of one’s self, abilities, and resiliency, as much as it is about trusting one’s intuition and having faith. It is of course important to hold space for yourself to still feel fear, uncertainty, and doubts, but in order to fully choose this path you must above all remain determined and aware of yourself in all aspects, and to hold strong faith not only within yourself but within the unseen. To know that you are guided not only by your own heart, but by the very heart of all that lives, the energy of the universe and energy of your guides in the other realms.
No one can tell you what your Destiny is. No one can tell you the path which you should take. We may find ways to help us find those answers within ourselves, such as through astrology and looking at the placements of the stars and planets at the time we are born, you can even look at the numerology and figure out your life path number, which may give you hints to your purpose. There are countless ways in which we can connect with ourselves, but the only true way to know is to get in touch with your inner self, to nurture that relationship, to protect it and to trust it, even when it makes no sense. Because I can tell you, the Path of the Heart, will truly not make much sense most of the time.
It is going down one path to suddenly realize you need to jump over and actually do this one. It is making life altering decisions on a whim. It is embracing the breakdowns, the heartbreak, and the pain and choosing more of it and in the end laughing every time you’re still standing. It is walking in a truth which only you can see and understand, and which others will only begin to understand once you are much further down that path, when what was meant to destroy you only turned you into an unstoppable, magnetic force that radiates pure life force energy and truth.
The Path of the Heart is the path of the Phoenix. It is alchemy. It is transmutation and rebirth. It is being consumed by the flames of truth and letting the false self die, in order to walk as your highest, purest, most powerful self, and being the light for others to find their own way. Collectively, we are all on our way to this path, we are all searching for this road, all it takes is the conscious choice to embrace ourselves and our truth and let the rest burn away.
In a life where we can choose our Destiny, where we can choose which path of the river we will take, will you choose the Path of the Heart?