Into the Age of Aquarius

Solstice Holistic
8 min readDec 23, 2020

A couple days ago we saw the great conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter on the winter solstice. Both of these giant planets met up at the closest they’ve been in about 800 years, in the sign of Aquarius. If you’re into any of this type of thing then you probably have read or follow many who have been speaking on this transit, the upcoming transits and what it means for humanity. The “Age of Aquarius”, which has been said to have started many times already, or that even this isn’t the beginning and we still have time to go before we leave Pisces. Whatever it is you personally believe on all this, or maybe you have no opinion at all, what can be said is that we are definitely going into some new territory and life is shifting and changing before our eyes.

Saturn-Jupiter Conjunction of 2020

Just as at the beginning of 2020 when we had the Saturn-Pluto conjunction, which set off the tone for the year, this Saturn-Jupiter conjunction is going to be playing out going into 2021, I went into this a bit in my previous posts about the things we will be seeing, how it’s already happening, what we can expect, the ways which these energies are working and shifting our own perspectives and ways which we may think, feel, and go about things.

For this post, I want to focus a bit on the sign of Aquarius, what it represents; the good, the bad, and how we can expect it to take form in our lives. Aquarius is an air sign, it is the water-bearer. It is ruled by Saturn and Uranus. As mentioned in my previous post, Saturn is all about authority, tradition, restrictions; it rules over time and in that sense, reality. Uranus is a wild card, it is sudden shifts, changes, shock, upheaval, it also can represent technology, advancements. So when we look at both of these planets, their energies and what they represent and apply it to the sign of Aquarius, it’s pretty interesting.

Aquarius is considered the humanitarian sign, it’s free-thinking, independent, futuristic, even a little weird. Aquarius brings with it new ways of thinking and doing things, but it wants to do things generally for the betterment, advancement and evolution of humanity. It can bring some out there ideas right here into reality, and even though many may not understand and may even laugh and ignore such ideas at first, Aquarius is an innovator, leading the pack, perhaps a bit ahead of its time though.

In the same breath though, as far thinking and revolutionary Aquarius can be, this sign can also encapsulate the darker traits of being closed off to differing views, opinions, and lifestyles. Aquarius may think its way is the best way and only way. This can be seen as the sort of Saturnian and restrictive aspect of Aquarius, because these traits can be an undoing of the positive and good things which Aquarius can bring. There can be a combative tone to it even, as Aquarius feels so strongly to its ideals and realizing them, spreading them into the world, that those who disagree can become labeled as opposition to the causes which it upholds. There can be a sense of arrogance and even ignorance here, and it can lead to the very thing which Aquarius is so strongly opposed to; Groupthink.

Aquarius wants to be the free-thinker and revolutionary. It wants to bring in new ways of doing and it wants to include everyone in this. Because of its humanitarian views it becomes very much a community influence. In the best aspects this can lead to a true voice for the people, it can lead to things getting done, actions being taken, and advancements which truly benefit all. It can lead to conscious and spiritual growth for humanity by focusing on solving problems and creating shared values and goals for all. On the darker end, it can lead to zealous movements, in which actions are taken but it isn’t for the benefit of all, instead it becomes a blind cause which leads to the isolation, separation, and radicalization of ideas. It doesn’t include us all, it only includes those who agree and submit to the ever present directions of this Aquarian energy.

This can already be seen to be occurring and I believe it will only grow and become a stronger force until we reach that boiling point and split within the collective. Currently we see playing out in the world so many polarizing ideas, movements, and beliefs. You can truly take your pick because there’s too many to even list here. But, one of the most significant ones which we are all facing is the impacts of lockdowns, mask wearing, vaccines, and the overall decisions made towards handling corona. This has clearly been a polarizing subject and one which isn’t going away anytime soon as we face even stronger restrictions, further lockdowns, and now the argument for mandatory vaccinations. If you read my post End of Year Thoughts, then you know my views and opinions on this. My point right now is that as anyone can see, both sides believe themselves to be right, and see the other side as a threat to them. Regardless of what one believes, I think it can be said that the opportunities that are being taken by world governments, corporations, big tech, and big Pharma are far too loud and insidious to ignore, no matter where you fall on your personal beliefs towards the events of this year.

Technology as well is advancing significantly, we are seeing AI become more and more integrated into our daily lives, we are seeing the birth of new realms and possibilities through technology; such as the the idea of going to Mars and colonizing, Moon bases, the creation of the Space Force Guardians, even this new vaccine, which is being implemented as a way to connect to our very identities and technologies; used as digital tracking, biometrics and as our “passport” back into society. It’s all kinda surreal and feels more sci-fi than real life, but here we are. It’s here, happening as I write this and it isn’t going away, in fact it is going to grow more and more and it’s up to humanity which path we take when it comes to these things, do we collectively evolve and consider all of humanity and nature as we advance, taking time to think about the choices, beliefs and ideas we hold and raising the bar, or do we go down the tunnel vision path, thinking that our own beliefs, ideas, and ways of life are the superior ones and anyone who disagrees can be considered a risk to the herd, to the community, to humanity?

I think right now is the most important time for us all to take a step back and consider our own thoughts, beliefs, values and what that means to us. How it shapes us, how it forms into the patterns and behaviors we exhibit in our lives. How do we uphold these things in our lives? How do we respond to differing views of others? Do we find those who think and do differently a threat to us? Do we find it triggering, upsetting, dissonant? Do we hold space for others? Do we find empathy for both ourselves and others? Do we question our own ways of thinking and consider those of others? Do we stand up for the rights and basic human liberties of all or do we only stand up when its our own well-being which is being threatened? Or do we not stand up at all?

Humanity will only go so far as how we look after each other and ourselves. There needs to be a balance between our individual sovereignty and the collective whole. And as humans we still have a very long way to go on both ends here. But I think that this could be the most wondrous gift of Aquarius, because as a sign in it’s highest form, it is truly about the collective and raising it up together, but it is also very much a loner sign, that very much wants to keep it’s individuality intact. Going to the extreme in either way isn’t healthy and we can see this playing out now. The arguments for how we all need to “be in this together” vs those who don’t comply or agree with this and that are deemed selfish and too focused on themselves.

Only once you respect the sovereign human rights and boundaries of the individual can we begin to see more balanced, respectful, and cooperative interactions between ourselves and our own personal communities and the larger collective of humanity. It begins with us first though, it begins on a very personal and individual level.

Sunset on the Solstice

So as we go into 2021 with this great conjunction sort of starting this new year off with some very powerful energy, the most important thing we can do is strengthen our discernment, strengthen our boundaries, continue focusing on the inner work and building ourselves up; physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. To holding more space for others, to communicating rather than reacting, and importantly, taking note of those who would take our differences and expand them into black and white, polarizing ideals, to the cause of separation and division. Be wary of those who believe they know it all, who have the answer and “cure” to all the problems, to those who say one thing and then do another. Be wary of those who deem themselves for humanity but lead us further in our separation from our individual selves and therefore further from each other.

The energies are wild, they’ve been wild and will only be getting stronger. Stay grounded, know yourself, get clear within, and communicate, reach out to those around you, strengthen the bonds between you and your tribe, in a world where everything has simply become algorithms, likes, follows, and instant gratification, take the time to step back and reconnect in more human ways, in authentic ways. Technology has brought us many amazing things, it has connected us to anyone from anywhere, which is beautiful because you can meet people and form connections which otherwise may never have existed, but at the same time these apps are slowly training and reprograming our minds in the ways in which we interact, connect and see the world, for good and bad.



Solstice Holistic

Holistic Health and Wellness. Focusing on the mind, body, spirit connection.